Day 27 - Breaking Out of Isolation (pt 2)
12:30 PM
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to
be afraid to approach others, to express myself in front of others, and to be myself
when with others in a social setting.
When and as I am in a social setting, and I see that I
am recoiling within myself, I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to the
simplicity of the physical, and allow myself to just be, talk, and move,
without the complications of the mind of thought, beliefs, judgments and
self-limiting fears, within the realization that I can pass from moment to
moment and let it all go in one moment, and there is nothing that can cling to
me and bring me down except by my own acceptance and allowance.
I commit myself to push myself to daringly live in the
moment, from moment to moment,
I commit myself to prove to myself that there is
nothing to fear from others, and that what I fear only exists within me, and is
mine to change.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to
be afraid to approach others because I worry they will be bothered by me coming
up to them, and drawing attention to myself.
When and as I am approaching another, and I get the
sensation that they do not want to see me, I stop, and I breathe, I bring
myself back to common sense by trying it first, before making the judgment. By
‘trying it first’ I mean: if I approach another and there is no sign that they
don’t like my presence, then I can see that it is only in my mind. If, on the
other hand, I see plainly that I am interrupting or coming at a bad time, that
this is simply a practical point, NOT a personal point, and I use my best
judgement to approach at a better time. If/when I approach someone, and they
react in impatience and annoyance, I remind myself that this is a point that they are dealing with, and has nothing to do with
me and I should not take it personally.
I commit myself to judge in the moment, based on
actual events, as to whether or not I should approach another.
I commit myself to breathe through the reaction of
taking it personally if someone seems frustrated or annoyed, because I see that
when I am annoyed or impatient with others, it is always because of something
within myself, no matter how much I blame and project.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to
think, believe or perceive that I am not worth someone spending their time on
me or with me, and that there has to be some kind of ‘exchange or payment’
wherein the interaction has to be ‘deserved’ instead of shared unconditionally.
When and as I am going into the energetic experience
of inferiority within the belief that I am not worth spending time with and
have nothing to give, I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to self-worth
by reminding myself that I can direct my interactions to be a sharing that is
mutually beneficial and mutually enjoyable, which can always be attained when
sharing myself self-honestly.
I commit myself to slow down during interactions, and
to direct myself to, as much as possible, create mutually beneficial sharing
through self-honesty.
More self-forgiveness to come!
For now, check out:
If you would like to teach yourself how to find the answer to yourself within yourself, check out DIP Lite, a free online course. I have found this course amazingly supportive, teaching discernment when it comes to what we accept and allow to go on in our minds, and how to direct ourselves to where we want it to be. Did I mention it's free? Give it a try cause there is nothing to lose, and join in the walk to freedom.