Day 48 - Self-Creation: Who Will I Be?
8:38 AM
The title of this post is an amazing question, because I get to answer it and decide 100% for myself, and that is so empowering! This is not the first time, however, that I have put myself into action to change. One of the biggest realizations I have had is that grandiose sweeping changes rarely last and are not so easy to sustain. Maybe sometimes, but for the following application, I will take it slow, step-by-step.
Below is a chart which is based on the application described in my previous blog. It is the basic ground-work for who and how I would like to be and become. It is, in my view, a 'healthy' (as in: normal, constructive, beneficial to myself and my living, self-expansive) foundation to set for myself as that which I would like to birth as me:
Below is a chart which is based on the application described in my previous blog. It is the basic ground-work for who and how I would like to be and become. It is, in my view, a 'healthy' (as in: normal, constructive, beneficial to myself and my living, self-expansive) foundation to set for myself as that which I would like to birth as me:
Work on Developing
Maintaining a clean environment
Find a Hobby
Preparing my Day the night before
Down time
How To
Starting with three times a week. Twice doing strength/muscular in my
room with youtube videos, and then one jog/long walk on the weekends. Taking a different bus after work so I get a 20 minute walk home .Take stairs in metro.
Every night post in daily self-forgiveness. Three times a week, one
of the following: blog about realizations or sf. Personal sf that is deeper/not
Create a place for everything. Put things back in their place once
done. Do laundry weekly, vacuum weekly. Weekend organizing. Get rid of stuff
I don’t use/need. Take responsibility to do after dinner clean up for my mom.
Keep my stuff in my room, not in the public spaces.
When I have spare time I would like to do something
creative/artistic. My mom has an art studio at home I can use. I would like
to do bead work or stained glass or collage. I would spend quality time with
my mom and relate to her through art. I would enjoy it. I would need to buy
some supplies but she has all the tools. Arrange to go with her to art store
next time she goes.
On the bus to and from work is when I have time to myself to read a
book for pleasure. Prevents me from going into the mind and becoming stressed
about the day ahead, or by other passengers.
Before I go to bed, go into the kitchen and prepare my lunch, the
coffee machine. Get clothes ready for the next day. Shower at night, not in
the morning.
One French vlog a month. Do regular hangouts discussing topics of
self-introspection and self-expansion. One process vlog a month.
At least once a week bubble baths, once a week movie – which ever
movie will be on the movie hangout with Mike and Marlen.
Through writing, vlogging and blogging.
With my parents over dinner.
Nightly chats with my partner.
At work.
Do not speak in reaction, practice self-honest expression, breathe
through desire for attention. Speak what comes up within me as points or
Practice how to: Listen. Breathe. Be Natural. Calm. Comfortable.
Write out points to work through fears in relation to communicating. Practice listening, breathing
through reactions while talking on the phone or in person. Note points that
come up after chatting. Push self-honesty. Listen.